S3E13 — Birthday

I’m really looking forward to my 30th birthday

Chris Miller
1 min readAug 8, 2021

Let’s talk about perspectives

Is this the only episode here that I am not writing from Nick’s perspective? Jess’ 30th birthday mirrors my own which is coming very very soon. Thirty. Wow. No I’m not writing about Jess, I can’t. So let’s write about myself.

Three years ago, I wrote down long-term goals and one of them was that I would be rocking long hair and play the guitar on the beach. So right now, I am connecting that to my 30th birthday and plan to fly to Spain, to the beach. How cool is that?

Weird birthday habits

I like to be offline, without anyone knowing where I am and what I am doing. Yeah, I know. It’s the best way to spend your best day, all by yourself and without anyone knowing that it’s your birthday. That’s pure freedom to me, and I am looking forward to that :-)



Chris Miller

Writer. Editor. Thinker. Fighting with the alligator within.