Chris MillerEveryday I remember that being alive is enough. Enough.A meditation on letting go and allowing myself to arriveNov 22, 2021Nov 22, 2021
Chris MillerGave me cookie, got you cookie. S2E05 —ModelsAnother defining Nick Miller episodeMay 2, 2021May 2, 2021
Chris MillerI have given up my efforts in women, and put all my energy into tomatoes. 1x22 — TomatoesBeing alone can be hard, but it’s in the silent moments we can discover the spaciousness of ease.Apr 21, 2021Apr 21, 2021
Chris MillerWriters don’t read. We write. S2E14 —PepperwoodThin crust pizza? No thank you. I’m from Chicago.May 8, 2021May 8, 2021
Chris MillerThe hard is what makes it good. S3E11 — Clavado En Un BarDon’t think about the quote too long. It’s not meant to be that sexual. It’s just another essential Nick Miller episode.Aug 7, 2021Aug 7, 2021
Chris MillerRich boy punk. 1x17+1x18 Fancyman 1+2Sensing the wistfulness of adulthood and the smell of a massive wooden desktop may not only keep you afloat for the first time in ages.Apr 16, 2021Apr 16, 2021
Chris MillerAfter being separated for eleven months, our relationship was beyond repair.A heartful reflection on my (long distance) relationship that ended after eleven months of uncertainties, worries and tears..Jul 21, 2021Jul 21, 2021